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Harga Rp20.000,-
Berat Barang 500 gr
Nomor Produk 284 Stok


Syarat uatama : PSVITA harus firmware 3.60

Per game 20rb

1 1001 Spikes 0.09 GB
2 2013 - Infected Wars 0.74 GB
3 A Virus Named TOM 0.33 GB
4 Aabs Animals 0.23 GB
5 Adventures of Mana 0.50 GB
6 Aeterno Blade 0.29 GB
7 Age of Zombies 0.04 GB
8 akiba strip 2.59 GB
9 Akiba's Strip U U.VPK 2.06 GB
10 Alien Breed 0.12 GB
11 Amagami 2.59 GB
12 Amnesia - Memories 1.92 GB
13 Angry Birds Star Wars 0.23 GB
14 Another World 0.10 GB
15 Ar Nosurge Plus 2.95 GB
16 Arcana Heart 3 Love MAX!!!!! 1.97 GB
17 Army Corps of Hell + Patch 0.61 GB
18 Asphalt Injection 0.53 GB
19 Assassins Creed Chronicles (x) 2.78 GB
20 Assassins.Creed.III.Liberation..V1.0.PCSB00074.By.Spz.VPK 1.76 GB
21 Atelier Ayesha 2.86 GB
22 Atelier Meruru Plus The Apprentice of Arland 2.97 GB
23 Atelier Rorona Plus.vpk 2.95 GB
24 Atelier Rorona 2.93 GB
25 Atelier Sophie - The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book 1.99 GB
26 Atelier Totori Plus - The Adventurer of Arland 2.81 GB
27 Atomic Ninjas 0.10 GB
28 Attack On Titan English 2.49 GB
29 Attack On Titans (HK) + sce_module Fix 2.40 GB
30 Azkend 2 - The World Beneath 0.05 GB
31 Badland - Game of the Year Edition 0.13 GB
32 Bastion 0.48 GB
33 Batman - Arkham Origins Blackgate 1.23 GB
34 Bigben Interactive 0.07 GB
35 Bit.Trip Presents...Runner2 Future Legend of Rhythm Alien 0.49 GB
36 BlazBlue Chronophantasma Extend.VPK 3.05 GB
37 Borderlands 2.VPK 2.96 GB
38 Broken Age 1.52 GB
39 Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse Episode 1 1.62 GB
40 Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse Episode 2 1.04 GB
41 Bullet Girls 0.73 GB
42 Call Of Duty - Black Ops Declassified 2.64 GB
43 Call of Duty Black Ops Declassified (EUR) 2.64 GB
44 Cel Damage HD 0.40 GB
45 Chaos;Head 2.16 GB
46 Child Of Light 0.90 GB
47 Ciel Nosurge Ushinawareta Hoshi e Sasagu Uta 1.19 GB
48 Citizen Of Earth 0.54 GB
49 Cliff Diving 0.25 GB
50 Coconut Dodge Revitalised 0.02 GB
51 Conception II Children of the Seven Stars 1.35 GB
52 Corpse Party - Blood Drive 0.99 GB
53 CounterSpy 0.45 GB
54 Crazy Market 0.03 GB
55 Criminal Girls 2 1.07 GB
56 Criminal Girls 2 Party Favors US 1.11 GB
57 Criminal_Girls_Invite_Only.VPK 1.14 GB
58 Crimsonland 0.04 GB
59 Croixleur Sigma 0.58 GB
60 Cross Ange - Tenshi To Ryuu No Rondo 0.77 GB
61 Damascus Gear 0.29 GB
62 Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair.VPK 1.47 GB
63 Danganronpa Another Episode Ultra Despair Girls.VPK 2.19 GB
64 Danganronpa Trigger_01.00.VPK 1.26 GB
65 Darius Burst - Chronicle Saviours 0.93 GB
66 Day of the Tentacle Remastered 0.89 GB
67 Dead Nation 0.45 GB
68 Dead Or ALive 5 Pus + DLC 2.65 GB
69 Dead Or Alive Xtreme 3 2.44 GB
70 Deception IV - Blood Ties 0.59 GB
71 Deception IV - The Nightmare Princess 1.00 GB
72 Demon Gaze 0.45 GB
73 Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax Ignition.VPK 0.98 GB
74 Digimon Cyber Sleuth [SG].VPK 1.48 GB
75 Digimon Next Order.vpk 1.60 GB
76 Disgaea 3 Absence of Detention.VPK 1.67 GB
77 Disgaea 4.vpk 2.04 GB
78 Divekick 0.47 GB
79 DJMax Techinka Tune 3.00 GB
80 Dokuro 0.12 GB
81 Don't Starve - Giant Edition 0.21 GB
82 Doole God 0.05 GB
83 Dragon Ball Z Battle of Z pre-fixed.VPK 1.42 GB
84 Dragon Crown.vpk 0.92 GB
85 Dragon Fantasy 1 0.08 GB
86 Dragon Fantasy 2 0.11 GB
87 Dragon Quest Buillders 0.24 GB
88 Dragon Quest Heroes 2 3.55 GB
89 Draw Slasher 0.35 GB
90 Dream C Club Zero Portable 2.21 GB
91 Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition.VPK 0.30 GB
92 Dungeon Hunter Alliance 0.54 GB
93 Dungeon Travelers 2 1.76 GB
94 Dustforce 0.27 GB
95 Dynasty Warrior Next 1.43 GB
96 Dynasty Warriors 8 Extreme Legends 3.26 GB
97 Earth Defense Force 2 Invaders From Planet Space 0.27 GB
98 Eiyuu Densetsu - Ao no Kiseki 1.75 GB
99 Eiyuu Densetsu - Zero no Kiseki Evolution 2.45 GB
100 Eiyuu Densetsu Sora No Kiseki Trilogy 3.12 GB
101 enso.vpk 0.00 GB
102 Epic Mickey 2 The Power of Two 2.94 GB
103 Escape Plan 0.83 GB
104 Escape Plan Update + DLC 1.42 GB
105 EU Touch my Katamari!.VPK 0.58 GB
106 Everybody’s Golf.VPK 1.20 GB
107 Exstetra 0.77 GB
108 F1 2011 0.97 GB
109 Farming Simulator 0.03 GB
110 FEZ 0.20 GB
111 FIFA 14 2.58 GB
112 FIFA 15.VPK 2.56 GB
113 FIFA Football 2.84 GB
114 Final Fantasy X HD 3.79 GB
115 Final Fantasy X HD Remastered Undub 3.81 GB
116 Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remastered Undub 3.28 GB
117 Flower 0.36 GB
118 Football Manager 2014 1.79 GB
119 FreedomWars.VPK 1.33 GB
120 Frozen Synapse Prime.VPK 0.19 GB
121 Gal Gun Double Peace 1.25 GB
122 Gekijouban Madoka Magicka - The Battle Pentagram 0.84 GB
123 Genkai Tokki - Seven Pirates 0.59 GB
124 Geometry Wars 3 - Dimensions Evolved 0.05 GB
125 Girls und Panzer Shenshado Kiwamemasu! 1.02 GB
126 Golden Time - Vivid Memories 1.42 GB
127 GOW Collection.vpk 3.09 GB
128 Grand Kingdom 1.39 GB
129 Gravity Rush 1.43 GB
130 Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R 0.79 GB
131 gundam seed battle destiny 1.47 GB
132 Hanayamata - Yosakoi Live! 1.46 GB
133 Hanayamata Yosakoi Live! 1.46 GB
134 Hatsune Miku Project Diva F 2nd 2.59 GB
135 Hatsune Miku Project Diva X 2.47 GB
136 Hatsune Miku Project Diva X US 2.50 GB
137 Helldivers 1.66 GB
138 Hello Kitty to Issho Block Crash V 0.18 GB
139 Heroes Of Loot 0.02 GB
140 Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Sui 3.15 GB
141 Hohokum 1.38 GB
142 Home 0.03 GB
143 Hot Shot Golf - World Invitational 1.20 GB
144 hotl#NiQ -The Firefly Diary- (USA) 0.24 GB
145 Hotline Miami 0.52 GB
146 Hotline Miami 2 Wrong Number 0.33 GB
147 Hungry Giraffe 0.03 GB
148 Hyperdevotion Noire - Goddess Black Heart 1.10 GB
149 Hyperdimension Neptunia PP 1.21 GB
150 Hyperdimension Neptunia Re Birth 1 2.69 GB
151 Hyperdimension Neptunia Re Birth 3 2.53 GB
152 Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 (Mai Version) 3.00 GB
153 Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2 Sisters Generation 3.04 GB
154 HyperDimension_Neptunia_U_(US).VPK 1.15 GB
155 IA-VT -Colorful- 2.90 GB
156 Injustice_01.00.vpk 2.94 GB
157 J-Stars Victory VS+.VPK 1.71 GB
158 Killzone - Mercenary 3.30 GB
159 legend of heroes cold of steel 2.66 GB
160 Lego batmanPCSE00737_FULLGAME_01.00.VPK 2.61 GB
161 LEGO Harry Potter - Years 5-7 [Empty]
162 LEGO Legends Of Chima - Laval's Journey 0.84 GB
163 LEGO Legends of Chima Lavals Journey 0.88 GB
164 LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Universe in Peril 1.16 GB
165 LEGO Ninjago - Nindroids 1.31 GB
166 LEGO Ninjago - Shadow Of Ronin 1.20 GB
167 LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens (2).VPK 1.42 GB
168 LEGO The Lord Of The Ring 1.63 GB
170 LegoHobbit_Freeplex].VPK 1.48 GB
171 Liberation Maiden Sin 1.40 GB
172 Little Big Planet 1.03 GB
173 Little Big Planet Marvel Super Hero Edition 1.48 GB
174 Little Deviants 0.90 GB
175 Lone Survivor Director's Cut 0.12 GB
176 Lost Dimension 0.95 GB
177 Love Live! School Idol Festival 1.39 GB
178 Love Live! School Idol Paradise Vol.2 1.38 GB
179 Luftrausers 0.05 GB
180 Lumines Electronic Symphony 0.70 GB
181 Machinarium 0.32 GB
182 Magical Beat 0.11 GB
183 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Out of Order 0.80 GB
184 Men's Room Mayhen 0.21 GB
185 Metal Gear Solid HD.VPK 3.25 GB
186 metalslug3.VPK 0.04 GB
187 Metrico 0.68 GB
188 MGS3HD.vpk 1.84 GB
189 Michael Jackson - The Experience 1.18 GB
190 Minecraft PS Vita Edition(ModSFO).VPK 0.15 GB
191 Miracle Girls Festival (Mai Version) 2.98 GB
192 MLB The Show 2.60 GB
193 Modnation.vpk 1.02 GB
194 Moe Chronicle 2.64 GB
195 Monster Monpiece 1.72 GB
196 Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition- XXX not work.VPK 2.92 GB
197 MotorStormRC.VPK 0.66 GB
198 MUD - FIM Motocross World Championship 0.57 GB
199 Muramasa Rebirth.VPK 0.43 GB
200 Mutant Mudds Deluxe 0.03 GB
201 MXGP The Official Motocross Videogame 1.11 GB
202 Mystery Chronicle - One Way Heroics 1.20 GB
203 Need For Speed Most Wanted - US - Digital.VPK 1.30 GB
204 Neverending Nightmares 0.24 GB
205 New folder [Empty]
206 New Little King's Story 0.64 GB
207 Nidhogg 0.07 GB
208 ninjagaiden.VPK 2.89 GB
209 Norm9 - Var Commons 2.65 GB
210 Nova-111 0.11 GB
211 Oboro Muramasa 0.43 GB
212 Oddworld - Munchs Oddysee 1.03 GB
213 Oddworld - Stranger's Wrath 1.29 GB
214 Odin Sphere (JP).vpk 1.10 GB
215 OdinPatch 0.00 GB

217 One Piece Burning Blood.VPK 2.48 GB
218 One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 (X) 2.65 GB
219 One Piece Unlimited World Red.vpk 1.49 GB
220 OnePiecePirateWarriors3[EU][PSN]+Fix 2.65 GB
221 Operation Abyss - Neo Tokyo Legacy 0.65 GB
222 Oreshika - Tainted Bloodlines 2.74 GB
223 Paint Park Mal Center 0.06 GB
224 PCSA00098_Sly3_01.00.VPK 2.60 GB
225 PCSE00019_DragonsCrown_01.00.vpk 0.92 GB
226 PCSE00061_FULLGAME_01.00.VPK 1.05 GB
227 PCSE00597_Titan_Souls_01.00.VPK 0.14 GB
228 Persona 4 Dancing All Night.VPK 2.91 GB
229 Persona 4 Golden.VPK 2.88 GB
230 Phantasy Star Nova 3.06 GB
231 Phantom Breaker Battle Grounds 0.91 GB
232 Photokano Kiss 2.74 GB
233 Pixel Junk Shooter Ultimate 0.27 GB
234 Plants VS Zombies.VPK 0.07 GB
235 PlayStation AllStars Battle Royale 1.31 GB
236 PlayStation Vita Pets 1.57 GB
237 Prince of Stride 1.38 GB
238 Project Root 0.12 GB
239 Psycho Pass Mandatory Happines 1.46 GB
240 PulzAR 0.07 GB
241 Ragnarok Odyssey ACE.VPK 2.05 GB
242 Rainbow Moon 1.32 GB
243 Rayman Legends 0.87 GB
244 Rayman.origin.PCSB00079.v1.0.VPK 0.83 GB
245 Real Boxing.VPK 0.21 GB
246 Reality Fighters 0.52 GB
247 Refrain no Chika Meikyuu to Majo no Ryodan 0.68 GB
248 Resident Evil Revelations 2 2.76 GB
249 Resistance 2.85 GB
250 Resogun 0.22 GB
251 Retro City Rampage DX.vpk 0.02 GB
252 Ridge Racer 0.76 GB
253 Risk Of Rain 0.08 GB
254 Rock Boshers DX 0.10 GB
255 Rogue Legacy.VPK 0.12 GB
256 Ro-Kyu-Bu! Naisho no Shutter Chance 1.09 GB
257 Rugby Challenge 1.27 GB
258 Run Like Hell.vpk 0.15 GB
259 Saenai Heroine No Sodatekata - Blessing Flowers 1.15 GB
260 Saki Zenkoku-hen 1.27 GB
261 Sakura-Sou No Pet na Kanojo 1.06 GB
262 Samurai Warriors 4 2.88 GB
263 Sayonara Umihara Kawase 0.38 GB
264 Senran Kagura - Bon Apetit! 2.45 GB
265 Senran Kagura Estival Versus 1.64 GB
266 Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus 1.64 GB
267 Severed 0.20 GB
268 Shin Gundam Musou 1.90 GB
269 Shin Hayarigami 0.64 GB
270 Shinobido 2.vpk 0.88 GB
271 Shiren The Wanderer 0.39 GB
272 Shovel Knight 0.11 GB
273 Silent Hill Book of Memories.vpk 1.14 GB
274 Sine Mora 0.59 GB
275 Skullgirls 1.12 GB
276 Sly 2 Band of Thieves.VPK 1.51 GB
277 Sly 4 3.24 GB
278 SlyCooper.VPK 3.18 GB
279 Söldner - X 2 Final Prototype 0.80 GB
280 Sonic And All-Stars Racing Transformed.VPK 1.37 GB
281 Sorcery Saga Curse of the Great Curry God (EUR) 0.85 GB
282 Soul Sacrifice Delta 2.91 GB
283 Soul Sacrifice.VPK 1.69 GB
284 Sound Shapes 0.69 GB
285 Sparkle Unleashed 0.05 GB
286 Spelunky 0.11 GB
287 Stealth Inc 0.06 GB
288 SteamWorld Dig 0.05 GB
289 Steamworld Heist 0.13 GB
290 Steins Gate 1.47 GB
291 Steins Gate - Hiyoku Renri No Darling 1.51 GB
292 Steins Gate - Senkei Kousoku No Phenogram 1.43 GB
293 Stranger of Sword City US 0.49 GB
294 StreetFighterxTekken_01.00.VPK 2.06 GB
295 SunFlowers 0.06 GB
296 Super Heroine Chronicle - Chou Heroine Senki 2.24 GB
297 Super Meat Boy 0.15 GB
298 Super Robot Wars Z3 - Jigoku Hen 1.74 GB
299 Super Robot Wars Z3 - Tengoku Hen 2.62 GB
300 Super Stardust Delta 0.21 GB
301 Superfrog HD 0.07 GB
302 Supremacy MMA Unrestricted.VPK 0.83 GB
303 Switch Galaxy Ultra 0.18 GB
304 Sword Art Online Hollow Fragment 2.77 GB
305 Sword Art Online Lost Song 2.85 GB
306 Table Top Racing 0.25 GB
307 Taiko no Tatsujin V 0.55 GB
308 Tales From Space - Mutant Blobs Attack 0.12 GB
309 Tales of Hearts R 1.51 GB
310 Tearaway 1.27 GB
311 Tennis In The Face 0.01 GB
312 Terraria 0.03 GB
313 The Binding of Isaac 0.25 GB
314 The IdolM@ster Must Songs - Aka-Ban 0.39 GB
315 The LEGO Movie Videogame 1.48 GB
316 The Minding Of Isaac - Reburth 0.25 GB
317 The Unfinished Swan 0.80 GB
318 The Walking Dead - Season 1 2.16 GB
319 The Walking Dead- Season Two 1.77 GB
320 The Wolf Amoung Us 1.97 GB
321 Thomas Was Alone 0.12 GB
322 To Heart 2 - Dungeon Traveles 1.12 GB
323 To Love-Ru Trouble - Battle Ecstacy 0.72 GB
324 To Love-Ru Trouble Darkness - Battle Ecstasy 0.72 GB
325 Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters.VPK 1.39 GB
326 Total Recoil 0.07 GB
327 Touhou Project - Fishigi No Gensokyo 0.22 GB
328 Toukiden - Kimawi 2.94 GB
329 Trillion - God Of Destruction 5.85 GB
330 TxK 0.09 GB
331 Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 1.32 GB
332 Ultratron.VPK 0.10 GB
333 Uncharted - Fight for Fortune 0.15 GB
334 Uncharted - Golden Abyss 2.91 GB
335 Uncharted Golden Abyss.vpk 2.91 GB
336 Unepic 0.30 GB
337 Unit 13 1.14 GB
338 Urban Trial Freestyle 0.15 GB
339 Uta Kumi 575 1.09 GB
340 Valhalla Knights 3 0.87 GB
341 Valkyrie Drive - Bhikkhuni 1.59 GB
342 Virtual Tennis 4.vpk 1.07 GB
343 VVVVVV 0.04 GB
344 Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate 3.27 GB
345 White Album 2 - Shiawase no Mukougawa 3.19 GB
346 Wipeout 2048.VPK 1.58 GB
347 Woah Dave 0.02 GB
348 Worms Revolution 0.34 GB
349 WRC 4 FIA World Rally Championship 1.55 GB
350 2.28 GB
351 xanadu0.vpk 0.02 GB
352 XBLAZE Code - Embryo 1.37 GB


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